Welcome travelers. You are confused to find interesting sights on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia? On this occasion, explorecelebes.com will inform about the existing tourist destinations in Sulawesi, Indonesia, precisely in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Bokori Island in Kendari. Have you heard of this place? For those of you who have never heard or visited Bokori Island and will plan a vacation to the island of Bokori, this article can you make reference your tourist destination on the island of Sulawesi. The charm of Bokori Island Southeast Sulawesi has so many natural attractions that are no less compared to other regions in Indonesia. Special marine tourism, Southeast Sulawesi became one of the haven that keep so many interesting spots. One of them is Bokori Island, international tourist attractions such as Moldova and Caribbean. Bokori Island is a small island located in the middle of a vast ocean, with an area of about 2.7 hectares. Being surrounded by oceans, vacati...